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List of products by brand Valdelosfrailes

Valdelosfrailes Winery

Bodega Valdelosfrailes is located in the Valladolid municipality of Cubillas de Santa Marta and belongs to Cigales, a Denomination of Origin traditionally renowned for its claret or rosé wines, a type of wine that made a resurgence between the 1940s and 1990s, but this DO began to function in 1991 and to emerge as far as red wines are concerned.

The origin of Valdelosfrailes as a winery goes back to the winemaking tradition of Carlos Moro's family, whose ancestors cultivated vineyards, had wineries and made wine in the areas of Cubillas de Santa Marta and Valoria la Buena.

In 1997, this winemaker and viticulturist, who had already founded the Matarromera winery in the Ribera del Duero DO, decided to invest in the care of vineyards in this area and the following year built the building where he would produce magnificent red wines.

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